Ethelo Survey 2

During the late summer and early fall of 2021 (August/September), the Haíɫzaqv Climate Action Team used a carbon budgeting process powered by Ethelo to gather public feedback to help evaluate, which climate solutions should be implemented in our Community Energy Plan. The purpose of this engagement was to ensure community members had a say in choosing the solutions the community would implement and that it was done in a fair, effective manner. The process educated and engaged the community to ensure ownership of their collective climate action work. Haíɫzaqv were tasked with creating their own plan to reach the community’s goals. Alongside costs and greenhouse gas emissions reduction, each proposed solution had a score for difficulty, jobs created, wellbeing, community support, risk and innovation. Ethelo used the results to generate a particular set of actions that will empower the Haíɫzaqv Nation to practice clean energy sovereignty and resiliency by utilizing wind, sun, earth, and water, in accordance with our ǧvi̓ḷás and cyclical worldview.

On behalf of the Haíɫzaqv Climate Action Team, we are honoured to carry out this “heart work” on behalf of future generations. We appreciate the time and energy everyone has given to the collective initiative so far. We need your continued support and input. You are an expert in our community, and we want to hear what the communities priorities are for taking action against climate change. Haíɫzaqv Climate Solutions Survey is now live please take the time to prioritize the 12 Climate Solutions that were recommendations from community members in the first visioning survey.

We have heard your climate grief for our land, water and resources. Let us continue to work together for our shared futures. Below are the 12 Climate Solutions more information in on the survey platform: